Monday, January 11, 2010


Its my daddy's office annual dinner . Well , i always like he's annual dinner because its fun . And there's always some boring part right ? that's the part that i started to feel sleepy , its about nine o'clock at night . then after those singing and those small kids game . Finally , its the fun part , and its the most "Chi gek " part . Its the last lucky draw section . yeah , i'm so happy at that time , but i'm thinking - Why ? Why happy? its not like you are going to get a LED 46 inch TV or a HTC phone , after those thinking , i calmed down and slowly let them announce the price . Then the number called out 3-3-8 , thats the number dad our lucky draw number is . At that moment , i felt happy , but i do not know what is the prize. Then the DJ said : "its a Panasonic Microwave " . I started to feel like : " WTF ? A microwave ? thats so ridiculous ~ " .
After we took the prize , other peoples price was , a Sony digital camera ,two HTC phone , a Toshiba Laptop , DVD player , and a Sharp LED 46 ' TV . Why microwave ?
But theres always something good . HAHA ~ we got RM200 voucher for HAAGEN DASZ ice cream , yeah , we are going to eat till we cry , woooh . But the Microwave cost RM1400 , after i heard the price , thinking: " Hmmm, it wasn't that bad anyway ,lol .
After that , we head to the car park , drove back home . Its was really a tired day .

Feel so lazy to blog anything more , bye bye !


Saturday, January 9, 2010

First post

Eunice force me to create a blog. After i said no, she just created one for me. So, this is my first post. Weird link right?

Ok bye bye !